80 Motivational Quotes About Never Giving Up in Life

Motivational Quotes About Never Giving Up in Life

Staying motivated is not easy, sometimes we fed up of things and want to give up as situations become out of our control. At such down times few encouraging words from our elders, family members, friends or well-wishers can help us a lot. Facing challenges with determination is not an easy task and it needs … Read more

50 Best Motivational Quotes About Life is Too Short

Motivational Quotes About Life is Too Short

Motivational quotes about “life is too short” remind us everytime: we have a limited time on this earth and this important time should not be wasted on wrong things. As we all know, life is too short but still we don’t live our lives to the fullest. It’s a universal truth that everyone who has … Read more

40 Meaningful and Deep Quotes About Life

Meaningful Quotes About Life

Reading meaningful and deep quotes can make us rethink about our perspectives in life. When we ask about meaning of life then everyone has different answer as we all have different perspective towards life. For some, life is all about survival while for others it can be about learning new things, exploring world or spreading … Read more

100 Best Quotes and Sayings About Life

Best Quotes and Sayings About Life

In the journey of life, there are ups and downs for everyone and you have to deal with these in any case as there are no short cuts. While talking with friends or family members you might use few quotes in your conversation and if you also want to tell the name of famous personality … Read more

60 Positive Quotes on Life to Keep You Motivated

Positive Quotes on Life

Positive thinking is a practice of focusing on good in any situation. Positive quotes and sayings can be used to boost our mood and mental health. Staying positive can make our day while negativity can spoil same. It is also proved in researches that positive thoughts can reduce worry and anxiety. Motivational words from famous … Read more